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Build Your List, Grow Your Reach, And Stop Worrying About Constant Content Creation!

By far our favorite way to grow our reach and create engagement with our target audience in any niche is running a challenge. The idea is to post something on a topic each day for 30 days both on a blog, and on social media.

Why talk about empathy and compassion? Because they are powerful concepts that motivate us and help us get along better with those around use. We are social creatures and don’t live in isolation. The better we can understand and get along with our loved ones, coworkers, and friends, the better our own live will be. Don’t you think your readers would be interested in this topic?

Our 30 Days Content on Positive Mindset & Self-Growth is designed for you to grow your list and inspire activity in your community.

In the content you share helpful tips and advice and to go along with it, emails go out each day that point readers to the new content and challenge them to follow along. Whit this content bundle, you challenge your readers to learn more about self-confidence and courage over the course of a month.

This PLR Bundle includes 30 articles and 30 email message. Just copy and paste and you’re good to go.

The Positive Mindset & Self-Growth Articles

Here’s a quick glance of the 30 titles we have for you inside:

Why What You Think and Learn Matter

The Importance of a Positive Mindset

Never Stop Learning and Never Stop Growing as a Person

A Gratitude Exercise in the Morning Helps to Develop a Positive Mindset for the Rest of the Day

A Strong Reading Habit Promotes Self Growth

Become Aware of Your Attitude

Complacency Is the Enemy of Self Growth

3 Simple Tricks to Change Your Attitude

The Importance of Self Growth for Job Security

Use Positive Affirmations to Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Learning to Love Yourself Helps Your Relationship With Others

The Importance of Setting Goals for Yourself

Small, Positive Thoughts and Actions Lead to Big Changes for Good

Pay Attention to the Lessons Life Teaches You

Surround Yourself With Other Positive Minds

The Right Mentors Can Skyrocket Your Personal Growth

Watch Out for Negative Self Talk

Use Meditation to Create Awareness

Get in the Habit of Giving Yourself a Pep Talk

The Health Benefits of Positive Thinking

Keep Your Mind Young by Never Stopping to Learn Something New

Positive Thinking and Self Growth Increase Your Overall Happiness

Journaling as a Tool for Self Growth and Positive Thinking

How to Turn Negative Self Talk Positive

Map Out Your Self Growth Goals for the Coming Year

7 Tips for Cultivating Positive Thinking Habits

Reach Your Goals by Visualizing Who You Want to Become

From Positive Thinking to Positive Action

Boost Your Self-Esteem with Positive Thinking and Self Growth

Wrap Up and Where to Go from Here

Each day during the challenge your readers will receive a personalized email from you with a link to the daily blog post.

The posts or articles are a good mix of tips and ideas that will inspire your readers to work on increasing their courage and their self-confidence. There are inspirational posts and those with strategies that your reader can take action on right away. It’s a good mix of content that your audience will enjoy. Since the articles also go up on your blog and can be shared via social media, this is a great way to grow your reach and attract new readers.

Click on the Positive Mindset PLR website link shown above to get more information on this product…

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