The most recent IM Coupons update is at last here. Cheers for patiently waiting along with your whole support over the past couple of weeks. We will let you know additional information as they're introduced. For the moment, full details in the url just below.

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Make use of the temporary Motion Animation Pro discount code above and save 10% off your next purchase of Motion Animation Pro by Nelson Long, SuperGoodProduct.

Remember that the special offer listed here is available for a short time only, and may expire at any given time.

Simply click the Red Banner Link above to reveal and copy your Motion Animation Pro coupon code and use it for your special offer price.

*If the bargain given here has ended, just use the search box just above to see the most current available deals, discounts and bargains for this particular package.

Motion Animation Pro is a Brand New Colossal Bundle of Cutting Edge Motion Animations and Motion Transitions that you can use to add Instant Spectacular Effects to any of your Video, Presentation or any other project.

You will receive a total of 1000+ motion animations and 500+ motion transitions making a total of more than 1500 files.

* If you require any support with our product please contact us through our online helpdesk.

A Vast Selection of more than 500 high impact motion transitions that you can turn any of your video, slideshow, presentation or project into an eye catching master piece!

Motion Animation Pro is an extremely versatile package, we have included various file formats with each of the file. You will find MOV, MP4, FLV, SWF and GIF files included with each of the file, you can use these motion animations and transitions in almost any video and presentation software available on the market.

These general themed video templates are paired with mouth-watering animation effects that make them absolutely gorgeous. All these video templates are designed with general theme and you can use them to create video for any niche and they are all editable with PowerPoint.

These gorgeous motion sales video templates are enchanted with alluring spectacular effects making them absolutely stunning. Best of all these video templates can be easily edited with just PowerPoint!

An Immense Collection of more than 1000 High Definition Motion Animations that you can add instant alluring effects to any of your video, presentation, graphic or any project!

* After your order has been processed an email with the login instruction will be automatically sent to your email, please check your email for the login instruction on how to access your ordered products.

All the files in the Motion Animation Pro Bundle are included with MOV (Encoded With alpha channel transparent background), MP4 (With chroma key that you can key out easily), Animated GIF (Transparent background), FLV and SWF files that give you total flexibility. You can drop these files into almost all major video, presentation or graphic software and turn your dull project into a stunner!

* Only a Small Selection of Motion Animations are Selected for Preview Above, you will receive more than 1000 Motion Animations with the Motion Animation Pro.

* Only a Small Selection of Motion Transitions are Selected for Preview Above, you will receive more than 500 Motion Transitions with the Motion Animation Pro.

You will receive royalty free license with the product you can use them for your personal and commercial projects. However you cannot resell or distribute them. If you want to use them for your client’s project you can get the developer rights which is available in the first upsell for an affordable price.

Click on the Motion Animation Pro site link above for details on this item…


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